Comments on: Dear Sylvia Canada's Watchdog on the watchdogs Sun, 15 May 2016 11:59:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jean Dalgleish Sun, 14 Feb 2016 00:57:08 +0000 Sylvia is a remarkably courageous person. Her childhood trauma was probably so great she blocked a lot of it, and gradually realized it after decisions she made as an adult didn`t seem to make sense…..then it did.

I experienced a very abusive childhood, complicated by constant moving from my father`s military career. Mother? …as passive as they come…

This made me smart in school and determined to create a life that was stable, rich and progressive…..a life where I could choose who to include and who not.

I`ve done that. If others understand, fine. If they don`t: also fine. I will never have need for employment because I`ve trained for and experienced many things. I`m healthy…and always willing to try anything once.

