Comments on: Remember the women, forget Ghomeshi Canada's Watchdog on the watchdogs Sun, 15 May 2016 11:59:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe Clark Fri, 05 Feb 2016 21:33:41 +0000 When you say “I’m following the trial religiously,” does that mean you’re playing a real reporter in the movie by actually sitting in the courtroom, perhaps right behind Crusty Blatchford? Reading shit on Twitter does not constitute “following [a] trial religiously.”

You further write “I find it reassuring to read outraged tweets and comments about the reality of the women involved in the Ghomeshi trial.” Were you also reassured to read Crusty’s analysis, namely that police

would have been [wise] to investigate the hell out of the allegations… and to have been less concerned with honouring the woman’s feelings and to have pressed her with difficult questions. She wasn’t, in short, brutalized by a cruel criminal justice system that doesn’t care a whit about sex assault. That isn’t the lesson here. Rather, it is, report early.

But I suspect the woman was let down nonetheless, and done in rather by delicacy and the condescension to women (and all who aren’t lawyers, if I may be frank) that is inherent in the system.

Were you reassured by Rosie DiManno? Note that both these writers are women, but, I gather, beset by incorrect thought.

If you want to write about a trial that is still going on, can you explain to us why you aren’t there in person covering it like real reporters?
