Aaron Leaf – Ryerson Review of Journalism :: The Ryerson School of Journalism http://rrj.ca Canada's Watchdog on the watchdogs Sat, 30 Apr 2016 14:26:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mission Possible http://rrj.ca/mission-possible/ http://rrj.ca/mission-possible/#respond Sun, 02 Apr 2006 01:40:46 +0000 http://rrj.journalism.ryerson.ca/?p=1318 Mission Possible At 5:15 P.M. on a dark October day, The Globe and Mail‘s newly hired reporter Petti Fong interrupts British Columbia bureau chief Rod Mickleburgh, who is in the middle of a meeting. “Sorry…Regina confirmed,” she says stonily. “Go with it?” “Oh, okay. Go with it. Did they confirm the HIV angle? “No.” “Okay, ’cause that’s [...]]]> Mission Possible

At 5:15 P.M. on a dark October day, The Globe and Mail‘s newly hired reporter Petti Fong interrupts British Columbia bureau chief Rod Mickleburgh, who is in the middle of a meeting.

“Sorry…Regina confirmed,” she says stonily. “Go with it?”

“Oh, okay. Go with it. Did they confirm the HIV angle?


“Okay, ’cause that’s the sexy angle.”

Fong replies with a curt “I know” before rushing back to her desk. She’s a small flurry of activity in the otherwise empty cubicles of the Globe‘s surprisingly large downtown Vancouver newsroom.

For most of the twelve Globe staffers based in British Columbia, their day at the office is long over. The time difference between the West Coast and head office in Toronto means the Vancouver bureau works with early deadlines. But there’s been a report that Trevis Smith of the Saskatchewan Roughriders has been arrested for aggravated sexual assault on a woman in the Vancouver suburb of Surrey. Fong is scrambling to put a story together for tomorrow’s paper – it’s 5:30 P.M in B.C. but 8:30 P.M. in Toronto, where pages are being laid out.

“The rumour,” says Mickleburgh, “is that he had HIV and had unprotected sex with her, which is why it’s aggravated assault. Potentially a pretty big story.” And it is big. The next morning’s Globe has the story above the fold, with the HIV angle as the lead.

Fong, formerly of the Vancouver Sun, was one of two high-profile acquisitions made by the Globe when it expanded its B.C. bureau last April. The other was Gary Mason, a colleague of Fong’s and a well-known sports columnist. The expansion coincided with the launch of a regional section in Canada’s oldest national newspaper, an unprecedented experiment in local news coverage. The plan was to publish three pages of exclusively West Coast news, every day, in the S section just ahead of sports. This might seem like a relatively small share of the paper overall, but at three pages, Globe British Columbia is larger than the Toronto section. In February, they beefed it up to include three pages of B.C. real estate articles and listings running every Friday.

There’s a lot going on in B.C. right now. The Economist Intelligence Unit, in a survey last year, ranked Vancouver as the best city in the world in terms of livability. To this buzz, add B.C.’s status as host of the 2010 Olympic Games as well as its position as North America’s economic and cultural gateway to the Asia-Pacific region, and you get one of the highest economic growth rates in Canada. It’s also the second largest English-language market in Canada – one dominated by CanWest Global Communications Corp.’s newspapers. When the National Post first appeared on the scene in October 1998, it quickly became the preferred read of the two national dailies in Vancouver. Just over seven years later, it is still widely read – even though it has lost most of its B.C. coverage.

And that’s where the Globe‘s latest strategy comes into play. Executives in Toronto figured it was the right time to try to reach new readers on the coast and felt they had to act fast. “We launched with almost no planning,” says Mickleburgh. “We had only days to go when we decided to go to three pages. We were going to be smaller, but [Globe editor-in-chief Edward] Greenspon said, ‘Well, if we’re going to do it, let’s really do it.'” The plan was to go big right away and hammer out the kinks later.

The gamble is costly, but it’s paying off; in just a few months, the paper’s circulation in B.C. has gone up by more than 2,000 on weekdays and 3,000 on weekends – a gain of about five per cent. Over the same period, national circulation improved by four per cent. No one can say how much of this is a result of the new section, but according to Mickleburgh, reader surveys commissioned by the Globe this year show that in B.C., seventy- three per cent of people read the Globe British Columbia section when reading the paper. This compares to ninety-six per cent for the A section and sixty per cent and below for all other sections. Here, Globe British Columbia is read even more regularly than Report on Business.

These gains, however encouraging, do not signify that the Globe has won over B.C. readers in general. Despite the considerable effort to produce quality daily journalism that speaks directly to West Coast readers, the long-held belief that the Globe – as a Toronto (and, indeed, central Canadian) institution – has no right to arrogantly decide what is best for B.C. is a hard one to shake off.

The Globe‘s last attempt to reach out to Western readers didn’t go over so well. In an attempt to appease critics, the paper created the position of western editor in 1998. Paul Sullivan – who, in 1990, had been editor of the Globe‘s short-lived monthly magazine, West – was chosen. Based in Vancouver, Sullivan was responsible for news coverage west of Ontario, including the Arctic. Theoretically, by having a western editor, western views would more likely make their way into the paper. But the position was scrapped after a year.

“I spent four years in China and came back,” says Mickleburgh. “Suddenly, there was this new editor. He had definite assigning power and it didn’t work.” Mickleburgh blames the failed effort on bureaucracy. “You don’t need some artificial decision-maker to say, ‘Oh, I’m interpreting the West.'” Most of the reporters, he says, were westerners already. Current Globe managing editor, news, Colin MacKenzie echoes this sentiment. “We bought a bunch of expensive video-conferencing equipment so Paul could sit in on the meetings,” he says, “but the position just wasn’t institutionally integrated.” Sullivan, who was also once managing editor of the Sun, says the meetings were unworkable, explaining, “I’d have to get up at 5 A.M. to participate.” Despite the start-up problems, he thinks the Globe gave up on the western editor system too soon – union challenges, a new publisher in Toronto and a lack of will killed the experiment.

Eight years later, with Globe British Columbia, MacKenzie is convinced they’ve found the successful formula, calling it “coverage with a local-mouth feel.” This can only happen with a large, Vancouver-based team of veteran journalists, photographers and arts writers. Almost all are westerners, with a mandate to report the news for British Columbians first.

It is April 2005, and the Globe is trying to persuade readers – and, crucially, non-readers – that it isn’t the eastern boogeyman. One move is to lure high-profile Vancouver columnist Mason away from the Sun to become the Globe‘s ambassador. It’s a bold attempt to establish the idea in readers’ minds that the Toronto-based paper is serious about covering the West. To drive the point home, Mason is featured on numerous billboards around Vancouver along with the tagline: “Gary Mason’s Vancouver.” The venerable Georgia Straight, Vancouver’s biggest weekly, in its annual Best of Vancouver edition, gives the ad campaign the award for “Best reason to move to Burnaby.” This is something Mason admits he gets a lot of ribbing about from his buddies.

I catch up with the pleasant, unassuming Mason in October, sipping a latte in a strip mall Starbucks in the town of Tsawwassen, where he lives with his family. This terminal for ferry traffic headed to Victoria and the Gulf Islands is a forty-minute drive – in good traffic – from the Globe‘s Vancouver offices. Mason rarely makes the trip downtown, as he usually works out of his home. His silver hair is combed back and he’s wearing a navy blue, high-necked Nike sweatshirt. When he laughs, he tips his head back. He looks like a junior hockey coach, and if you get him talking about hockey he’ll give you his trademark smile – the same smile that accompanied his Sun sports column for seven years before he was scooped up by the Globe.

Mason considers himself “a local columnist” who just happens to run nationally. In the national edition, his column appears in the A section, but in B.C., it is always in S. He is surprised by the amount of reaction he gets. On October 15, 2005, in the midst of a gut-wrenching, province-wide teachers’ strike, he wrote: “The government will not, cannot, capitulate to the demands of a group that is breaking the law. While Ms. Sims, [head of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation] who loves to fashion herself as a modern-day Rosa Parks, likes to use the words civil disobedience to characterize what teachers are doing…the fact is teachers are breaking the law.”

The next day Mason’s inbox was flooded with hundreds of angry emails from across the country. “Teachers in Ontario emailed me saying, ‘You don’t understand what being a teacher is like and blah blah blah.'” Because the strike column appeared on a Saturday, when circulation is higher, many readers had not seen his previous columns expressing sympathy for B.C. teachers.

Not all of Mason’s columns are contentious – in fact, many are banal. On Saturday, January 21, two days before the federal election, the front page of the Globe featured a spectacular photo of snowcapped Rockies with the equally grandiose headline, “The West Comes In.” While page one heralded the culmination of Preston Manning’s legacy, Mason’s column was tucked away on A16. In it, Mason rebutted Don Cherry’s recent remarks lambasting the Canadian athletes who’d passed up the chance to carry the flag at the Olympic ceremonies in Turin. “At the end of the day,” he wrote, “the Canadian flag that is most important to all of them is the one they hope to see flapping in the breeze above the podium after they’ve won a medal.”

With 12.6 million people, Ontario is home to almost forty per cent of Canada’s population – compared to B.C.’s measly thirteen. Since sixty per cent of Globe subscribers are Ontarians, it’s reasonable to assume that the Globe‘s editorial stance might be skewed toward that province. Blaming the Globe‘s central office in Toronto for perpetuating a distorted image of the West – whether on purpose or because of some institutional prejudice – is a convenient crutch for homegrown critics, especially since Globe British Columbia writers are mostly westerners. One brash Toronto import, however, has no trouble inflaming the locals.

Alexandra Gill, the Globe‘s western arts correspondent, picks at her dish of pesto penne. It’s a rare sunny day in October 2005, and we’re sitting on the terrace of the Vancouver Art Gallery’s café, enjoying the weather. The restaurant is full of people dressed in business casual, ordering lunch or indulging in a coffee break between gallery hopping. She’s wearing a dark blazer and a top with a plunging neckline, has a serious expression on her face and talks passionately about her adopted home.

Gill, a former Toronto gossip columnist, covers the West Coast arts scene, but she also writes a weekly food column for the Vancouver edition of the 7 section, the Globe‘s Friday arts supplement. She’s infamous in Vancouver food circles for writing scathing restaurant reviews. One was a thrashing of the newly opened but controversial multimillion- dollar restaurant, Watermark on Kits Beach. She wrote, “On the surface, this new $7-million restaurant is a mind-blowing stunner. But once you taste the crap coming out of the kitchen, the sheer waste of it all makes you want to cry.” This prompted one Vancouver food blogger to write, “I thought the building and food was great – Alexandria [sic], go back to Toronto or wherever you came from.”

The second, more controversial piece delivered an equally caustic verdict to an established outlet, Diva at the Met. Gill wrote, “Ten years ago, when Vancouver was a culinary backwater, the city’s first exhibition kitchen certainly stood out. But now, with some of the city’s best chefs setting lofty new standards at entry-level establishments, it seems absurd that some high-end restaurants are still coasting on their glory days.” She and her dining companion went on to destroy each dish as it arrived at their table. About the veal entrée she wrote, “Thinly sliced medallions sit on a smear of puréed carrots and a sticky sweet glaze. ‘The most disgusting combination I ever ate in my life,'” said her friend. When it came time to pay the bill, “nearly four hours later,” she was annoyed when her server said that it had all been taken care of. About free meals she wrote, “Though it’s common practice in Vancouver for critics to accept them, it is certainly not something I’ll abide. If I don’t pay for a meal, I won’t review it.”

Reception was swift and brutal. On a message board used by food professionals in the city, the discussion ranged from mild disapproval to outright nastiness, with people expressing disbelief that members of the community would be attacked by “The nation’s newspaper.” One poster wrote, “Ms. Gill can consider the pot stirred, but there’s a great deal of distaste at the contents, and it hasn’t raised my opinion of either her or her publication one whit.” Another wrote, “There is some serious venom for Gill right now in Vancouver’s restaurant community. I went out to several restaurants yesterday, and wow…she is about as well-received as a malarial gnat on a gnu’s back…The writing is great, but I take exception at the flippant methodology (especially because there are jobs at stake).”

“They’re really insane, some of those people,” Gill tells me. “It’s like they’ve never read a bad review before.” Vancouver, she says, is one of the top cuisine destinations in the world, but the level of local criticism is soft and boosterish. A decade ago, she says, Vancouver was trying to brand itself as an international culinary hotspot and everyone worked to promote the industry. It’s still a growing city, she says, but it should be able to handle some criticism. “There’s still this provincial attitude, like, ‘Well, let’s not have professional standards in our restaurant reviews.'” She acknowledges that by having this kind of attitude she’s setting herself up for a backlash, but she doesn’t care. “I’m tough-skinned,” she says. “Just sparking all the discussion is a good thing.”

Gill may have a point about Vancouver being grown-up enough to take big-city criticism. But she could also be the classic case of a Toronto journalist seeking to impose her will on a non-Toronto audience. Anne Roberts, a silver-haired Langara College journalism instructor, former city councillor and former Globefreelancer, says Globe British Columbia still buys into preconceived notions of the “crazy West.” She thinks the stories don’t reflect reality, relying instead on stereotypes that, unfortunately, play much better to the national audience. “For the Globe to be successful,” she says, “it needs to cover the news for a B.C. audience instead of for – or from the point of view of – the people back east.”

Donna Logan, director of the School of Journalism at the University of British Columbia (UBC), believes theGlobe‘s problem is subtler than stereotyping. She’s quick to point out that the employees of the B.C. bureau “are mostly B.C. people, and to say that they don’t have a B.C. perspective is grossly unfair. It’s not as if they hired a whole bunch of people from Toronto and moved them out here for this launch.” The problem, Logan says, is that all editorial decisions are made in Toronto. “People in Toronto do not see the West the way the West sees itself,” she says. “There’s always this tension between Vancouver and Toronto, where they’re making decisions about what stories are going to get covered and how they’re going to be presented in the paper.”

Logan had to admit, however, that she was awed by the marketing blitz that accompanied the Mason billboard assault. “They were everywhere!” she says. “I couldn’t walk into my local supermarket or anywhere without someone trying to pitch me the Globe. It was very impressive.”

David Beers, editor of Vancouver-based The Tyee, wasn’t so impressed. He says the problem isn’t so much an east-versus-west dialectic, but how the Globe has chosen to market itself. The Tyee founder, whose news website runs stories acclaimed by journalists – including Globe writers – for its original investigative work and innovative techniques in political reporting, is furious about the choice of Mason as the Globe‘s poster boy. As a sportswriter, Beers says, “Mason was never known to be particularly erudite or broadminded in his views.” To get any sort of idea of who Mason is politically, says Beers, “You have to go all the way back to his time as a bureau chief for an extremely conservative Vancouver Sun.”

The ideologically driven, unapologetically pro-business CanWest newspapers smother other media in B.C., Beers says, and many people are turned off by it. “The Globe could have hired anybody, but they hired a CanWest guy. Is this how you compete, by populating your centre-right newspaper with your competition’s writers?” Mason’s reporting during the last B.C. election wasn’t much different from the CanWest point of view, he says. “How is that diversifying the market?” The real kick in the teeth, though, according to Beers, is that the Globe‘s Vancouver bureau was already populated with quality reporters. “They were doing a super-credible brand of journalism, but it’s been undercut by the general package. It was a missed opportunity to contribute something different to the public discussion.”

Not all high-profile Vancouverites in media are quick to dump on the Globe‘s initiatives though. James Craig, former vice-president of marketing and sales for the Straight – and now publisher of its direct competition, theWestEnder – thinks Globe British Columbia is great. “It’s a really good, intelligent read,” he says. Craig thinks it’s ridiculous to bash the Globe because its head office is in Toronto when its competitors, the Sun and The Province are controlled out of Winnipeg: “Are we getting a Winnipeg version of what Vancouver should be, the same way we’re getting a Toronto version?”

New Globe British Columbia reporter Jonathan Woodward, a recent UBC mathematics graduate, says that the Vancouver bureau now functions almost like a “little paper” unto itself, with a commitment to fill the largest local Globe section in the country. Before, the nine-person bureau would wait to see how stories developed before writing longer, more comprehensive pieces for the national edition. This new mandate can cause some unhealthy tension.

A classic example of this tension happened early on. Reporters could only guess whether their Globe British Columbia stories would be judged important enough by Toronto editors to go national – and get yanked from Globe British Columbia. Some days, the top B.C. story appeared somewhere in the middle of the A section – but not in Globe British Columbia – leaving West Coast readers scratching their heads about the Globe‘s news judgement. Now, when a story seems destined to go national, the bureau works up two different-sized stories on the same subject – one for a national audience and a longer one with a local angle for Globe British Columbia. Back in Toronto, MacKenzie admits there were some dissonances: “We try hard now not to put it in the A section if it’s not going to be on the front page in B.C.”

Sorting out the confusion means more work for editors and layout people. The Globe‘s B.C. journalists, especially, have seen their workload increase significantly – and not everyone is happy with the change in focus. Long-time B.C. bureau writer Jane Armstrong left only seven months after the changes. Having spent a decade covering local issues at The Toronto Star, Armstrong jumped at a chance to “graduate” to national news at the Globe. But then, with Globe British Columbia’s relentless regional focus, she found herself back where she started, and has since transferred to the Halifax bureau.

The initial attitude among some readers was, says Armstrong, “If I wanted local news I’d read the Sun or theProvince. I don’t want that in The Globe and Mail. That’s not why I got the Globe.” She’s careful to add, however, that “people who live here are turning to it.”

Last June, just after the launch of the new section, BC Business Magazine criticized the Globe‘s new section. Among other things, it implied that its “long overdue attention” was a greedy attempt to gain B.C. advertising dollars and, judging by past attempts, wouldn’t last long. Unsurprisingly, it found, “The Globe has been well behind the Sun with many stories.” One source in the article was Logan, who, referring to Sullivan (the ill-fated former western editor) was quoted as saying, “We’ve seen this once before, that lasted one or maybe two years and then they pulled the whole thing down.”

It’s a dismissive attack, and as I read the old magazine article aloud, Globe British Columbia bureau chief Mickleburgh, who up until then had been slouching in his office chair with his feet up on the desk, jumps up. His face is red. He waves his arms. He’s a short, bearded guy with quick erratic movements and a hoarse yell. “They didn’t pull anything down,” he barks. “All they did was realize having a western editor didn’t work.”

“Long overdue attention?” he continues, rolling his eyes and letting out a big breath. “The people who say that are the people who don’t read the Globe – that’s what drives me nuts! You know, we did such good work before the B.C. section started. It was considered the best bureau the Globe had anywhere. We were the second biggest after Ottawa with a full-time photographer, review, sports, four full-time reporters, two full-time business people…”

At this point, Mickleburgh is yelling. “And people are going to say, ‘Loooooooonnnng overdue attention.’ It’s people who haven’t read the paper just stereotyping us.”

Mickleburgh isn’t quite fully riled up yet. What really gets him are the comparisons to the Sun. “They’re just wrong.” Pointing to their much larger staff and their ability to cover the suburbs better, he says, “The Sunshould beat us all the time, and they don’t – we have to pick and choose which stories to cover.”

Indeed, the next day’s Sun reprints the Trevis Smith/HIV-positive story from the Regina Leader Post. Their teachers’ strike coverage comes from Canadian Press. The Globe has both stories running in the national edition – written by the Globe British Columbia bureau. The rest of Sun‘s local section, called West Coast, has many outside stories. There are at least two from CP, two from the Victoria Times-Colonist and one from theAlaska Highway News.

While the Sun utilizes CanWest’s corporate infrastructure to shoehorn in stories on the cheap, the Globe now offers its B.C. readers more locally produced news, which is certainly not the cheap way to go. While it’s true that Globe British Columbia journalists report to Toronto and fight off burnout to produce an expensive section day in and day out, they’re achieving the effect most desired by management. According to MacKenzie, the six-month assessment of the experiment was this: “Reporters hate it, editors hate it, the budget people hate it. In fact, the only people who like it are the readers.”

http://rrj.ca/mission-possible/feed/ 0
Shooting the Messenger http://rrj.ca/shooting-the-messenger/ http://rrj.ca/shooting-the-messenger/#respond Sun, 19 Feb 2006 23:39:17 +0000 http://rrj.journalism.ryerson.ca/?p=4186 Shooting the Messenger My excitement about giving a presentation on the state of Canadian media to a bunch of European journalism students cooled when I discovered I was to follow the reporter from Zimbabwe. All my criticisms of corporate concentration, CanWest Global Communications Inc., the public relations industry and Chomsky’s Propaganda Model of thought control in democratic societies [...]]]> Shooting the Messenger

My excitement about giving a presentation on the state of Canadian media to a bunch of European journalism students cooled when I discovered I was to follow the reporter from Zimbabwe. All my criticisms of corporate concentration, CanWest Global Communications Inc., the public relations industry and Chomsky’s Propaganda Model of thought control in democratic societies suddenly seemed petty.

In Zimbabwe, repercussion for sedition comes not in pulled advertising dollars or strongly worded letters to the editor, my friend informed the class, but in organized campaigns of harassment, violence and assassination. He recalled his own near-death experiences courtesy of both the government and its opposition.

The Zimbabwean journalist, whom I won’t name, is short and thin with a baffling sense of humour. Besides being a journalist, he considers himself a poet, a writer of fiction and huge fan of country music. He showed us his official Zimbabwe press card – a licensing system that allows the government to keep tabs on all published writers.

The journalist laughs when talking about his stints in jail. Once, when some colleagues had been arrested arbitrarily, he went to the police station to find out why. He was promptly beaten and thrown in jail with the rest of them. But, because he’d expected this treatment, he warned some lawyer friends ahead of time, and they were able to get him out within days.

The journalist works for a magazine affiliated with a major Christian denomination. The backing of this church means he is given more leeway than if he worked for a secular paper. Even so, what he writes has to be uncontroversial. His technique is to carefully slip in bits of dissenting information that he hopes the censors will either miss or not deem serious enough to warrant retribution. There is a grey area around what you can and cannot say in Zimbabwe, and he believes it his duty to test the limits.

For all our troubles protecting sources and maintaining editorial autonomy, Canadian journalists have had it good. Reporters Without Borders puts out an annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index, ranking countries based on their level of press freedom. Out of 167 countries, Canada was ranked twenty-first in 2005.

But the Paris-based organization warns that we’re slipping. Ranked eighteenth last year, we’ve dropped several places because of decisions that have weakened source confidentiality, turning some journalists, they say, into “court auxiliaries.”

Zimbabwe, in comparison, ranks an abysmal 153rd – not far ahead of North Korea, the worst place in the world to be a journalist, according to the report. European countries hold all of the top ten spots. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland are at the top of the list.

Compared to the United States, though, Canada is doing fine. Our neighbour to the south managed to drop twenty-two spots, to forty-fourth place, in between Macedonia and Bolivia. It’s a fall blamed largely on New York Times reporter Judith Miller’s imprisonment and other “legal moves undermining the privacy of journalistic sources.”

Another organization, the Belgian based International Federation of Journalists, released a report this year calling 2005 the worst year ever for journalists, citing 150 media staff fatalities. Eighty-nine of those were murdered in the line of duty, while the rest were killed by accidents on the job.

Iraq, unsurprisingly, is the deadliest place in the world for journalists, with thirty-five murders last year, five of them by American troops. In the Philippines, with ten media murders last year, journalists are so afraid of being targeted they’ve started arming themselves with handguns. While it’s possible that some Canadian journalists arm themselves on the job, I doubt there are many Geraldo Riveras running above the 49th parallel.

Some Canadian journalists are no strangers to death threats – Kim Bolan of the Vancouver Sun receives them regularly. Others, such as Tara Singh Hayer, have even been murdered for what they wrote. But generally, this country is known as a safe haven for journalists in exile. Organizations such as Canadian Journalists for Free Expression and PEN Canada work on behalf of exiled writers by raising money and awareness. The PEN affiliated Writers in Exile Network helps refugees get placements in academic settings, integrating them into the Canadian writing community. Their catalogue includes writers from twenty-four countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, many who have faced imprisonment and torture.

Fortunately, back in class my presentation was well received – despite being upstaged – and I later became close friends with the Zimbabwean journalist. We were at school together in Holland, where he secretly took courses to improve his writing. He hoped to freelance for European publications so that his wife and two-year-old daughter back home might have some financial security. Writing under a pseudonym, he sent query letters to any publication that had even cursory coverage of Zimbabwe.

During many conversations over the semester I mentioned to the journalist the idea of emigrating from Zimbabwe. But, despite the danger, he was determined to return home. Living in exile wasn’t a possibility – not because of the risk involved in moving his family, but because he felt his life’s mission was in Zimbabwe. To leave would be giving up, something he refused to do.

http://rrj.ca/shooting-the-messenger/feed/ 0
Some Straight Talk on Vancouver’s Weekly Newspaper War http://rrj.ca/some-straight-talk-on-vancouvers-weekly-newspaper-war/ http://rrj.ca/some-straight-talk-on-vancouvers-weekly-newspaper-war/#respond Sun, 06 Nov 2005 17:13:41 +0000 http://rrj.journalism.ryerson.ca/?p=2436 Some Straight Talk on Vancouver’s Weekly Newspaper War James Craig, a balding middle-aged man in a blue sweater and thick, black-framed glasses, peers furtively through venetian blinds. He motions for me to come closer. “See that yellowish building?” He’s pointing down busy West Broadway in the trendy South Granville district just outside downtown Vancouver. “Right next to that is going to be their [...]]]> Some Straight Talk on Vancouver’s Weekly Newspaper War

WestEnder publisher James Craig, in his W. Broadway office, presides over copies of his Vancouver weekly.
Aaron Leaf

James Craig, a balding middle-aged man in a blue sweater and thick, black-framed glasses, peers furtively through venetian blinds. He motions for me to come closer. “See that yellowish building?” He’s pointing down busy West Broadway in the trendy South Granville district just outside downtown Vancouver. “Right next to that is going to be their new offices.”

Craig is referring to the Georgia Straight, his former employer and the oldest and largest of Vancouver’s many weeklies. The irony that their headquarters will soon be within eyesight of his second-floor workplace is not lost on him.

Craig toiled at the Straight for over seven years, beginning in the mid-1990s and ending with his termination, which he won’t discuss, in 2002. He worked with Straight publisher Dan McLeod on sales and marketing strategies. Some of these, including the Best of Vancouver special section and the Golden Plate Awards, have become annual staples. Craig is now trying to replicate his success as the publisher of the WestEnder, Vancouver’s newest urban weekly.

Until recently, the WestEnder was a community newspaper that served Vancouver’s downtown. It covered neighbourhood politics and events, or, as Craig puts it, “stuff happening at City Hall and break-ins.” Over the last 10 years, however, it has been slowly evolving into something that resembles an alternative weekly.

Craig has accelerated this process in the the six months since he arrived. Along with the like-minded new editor Michael White, 80 per cent of the paper’s editorial has been transformed into a weekly alternative they hope will reflect the city as a whole. This includes beefed-up entertainment coverage, more in-depth feature articles and items such as the Matt Groening comic, Life in Hell, which used to be published in the Straight.

Laura Moore, responsible for arts advertising in the Straight, shrugs off questions about the WestEnder, boasting, “We’re Canada’s largest urban weekly.” She says her paper is even bigger than Toronto-based giant Now Magazine. “We’re an alternative weekly like the Village Voice.” The WestEnder, she sniffs, “is a community paper” that “belongs to an extensive community paper network.”

The Straight has a circulation of 125,000. According to Ipsos Reid, it has over 340,000 readers per week. In contrast, the WestEnder‘s circulation stands at 55,000, up 6,000 from last year. Craig says, “When you increase circulation by 10 per cent in one year, when other newspapers are decreasing circulation or holding, it means you’ve got a voice that people are finding interesting.”

But Moore says the Straight‘s circulation is also growing, something she attributes to the steady decline in readership numbers of Vancouver’s dailies. Print media in the city are dominated by CanWest Global Communications Corp., she says, and people are turning to the weeklies for diversity.

There is no lack of alternative sources. Vancouver’s smaller print outlets include the Straight, the WestEnder, The Asian Post and the on-again, off-again Only magazine as well as a large number of community and neighbourhood newspapers. The third most visible weekly, Terminal City, announced last week that it had stopped publishing.

One of the surprising successes is not a newspaper at all. TheTyee.ca is the brainchild of David Beers, former editor of Mother Jones and a contributor to, among other publications, Harper’s magazine. Beers’s site contains a mixture of original hard news reporting, arts coverage and political discussion, and includes numerous columns and blogs.

The Tyee, named for a type of salmon, started making waves last May during the British Columbia provincial election. It broke one of the largest stories of the campaign – allegations of improper fundraising on the part of the B.C. Liberal Party – which was picked up by numerous news outlets, including CBC.

According to statistics kept by the site, in October alone the Tyee received over 130,000 unique visitors who made 400,000 visits and looked at roughly one million pages.

Like Moore, Beers believes that the rise in alternative media consumption is a reaction against CanWest’s near monopoly of Vancouver newpapers. It owns both major dailies, the Vancouver Sun and The Province, the National Post as well as the city’s largest community paper, The Vancouver Courier. This is bad enough, according to Beers, but then CanWest also has an obvious “pro-business bias. People here are underserved in getting alternative viewpoints.” He believes the success of the Tyee stems from its ability to expose the corporate media slant.

Craig couldn’t agree more with Beers. For him, transforming the WestEnder into an alternative weekly means he gets to “uncover things the mainstream press won’t write about.” He wants his stories to reflect the issues “the mainstream press cannot write about because they’re tied in with politics and potential advertisers.”

Craig’s aspirations annoy Dan McLeod, the founder, owner and publisher of the Georgia Straight. On the telephone, the sixty-something McLeod sounds indignant. The WestEnder, he says, “is what I call a faux alternative.” He points out that its owner, Black Press, headed by David Black, has offered to buy the Straight numerous times. McLeod asks how the WestEnder can possibly represent an alternative viewpoint when it’s run by “a large media consortium, which is 20 per cent owned by Torstar?”

According to McLeod, Black is known to involve himself directly in the editorial decision-making process at his community papers, something MacLeod claims he doesn’t do at the Straight. Craig says Black Press has shown nothing but support for his changes, and insists that at the WestEnder he has real autonomy.

The WestEnder‘s recent changes are an attempt by Black Press, says McLeod, to “play a smoke and mirrors game. If they happen to produce some good journalism it’s entirely by accident.” He attributes any newfound success to the WestEnder’s “mimicking” of the Straight.

“There’s no question, it’s a slam dunk,” McLeod continues. “They’re using the business model we use.” Just look at the paper, he says. “They’ve even gone to the extent of copying our redesign.”

It is striking, the aggressive new visibility of the WestEnder around town, compared to just a year ago. People who have never read it before are now picking it up, including my own mother, a loyal Straight reader for the past 10 years. The similarities between the two papers, such as content and look, are archetypal of North American alternative weeklies, but there is one thing that seems a little too close to be an accident – the street boxes.

McLeod is especially angered by the WestEnder‘s boxes: their overall black colour, their white logo and their close proximity to the Straight‘s boxes. He says his boxes have been white on black for 25 years.

Peering out the venetian blinds at the enemy, Craig says senior personnel at the Straight are running scared. “They have an obsession with everything we’re doing,” he chuckles, even taking “steps to stop our advance.”

Craig won’t mention what steps exactly, except to hint that some of his writers have been approached to write for his former employer. Grinning with satisfaction, he says, “This tells me that it’s working.”

http://rrj.ca/some-straight-talk-on-vancouvers-weekly-newspaper-war/feed/ 0