Start your own papers!! In a Capitalist Democracy, THAT, is the correct answer. If there’s so much demand for minority views, and so much demand by minority writers for a place, the two should be able to hook up! But WAIT – there already is tons of minority papers in the GTA and across Canada. And blogs, and youtube channels etc. It’s never been easier to get started. So stop whining and get started!! And if you’re good, you’ll get picked up by the masses!
My above paragraph notwithstanding, I’ve only ever heard 2 opinions in all my life – Lefty’s, and Righty’s. And know what? Regardless of colour, the Lefty’s sound like Lefty’s, and the Righty’s sound like Righty’s. This whole issue is an Abstract Construct that leads nowhere but to hatred and divisiveness. Oh, and btw – since these are all a bunch of hard line Lefty’s – why don’t they simply MOVE?!?! Yeah, you heard me. Lefty’s don’t believe in borders, and the papers in predominantly black countries are – well – predominantly Black. So GO!! You don’t believe in borders – remember? So GO!!
]]>So to the writer of this piece, who is not white, my question is, which of your white colleagues should bow out? If they all apply for jobs, and those hired are in proportion to those applying, the dearth of non-white writers will continue.
Another question. I’m not sure, but I assume working for the Review is by application. Shouldn’t the Review be selecting a more diverse staff, regardless of ability? Part of your argument is that the absence of non-white writers discourages others from entering the pool. So however few non-white journalism students are at Ryerson, shouldn’t they all be on the Review, to help create the circumstances to improve diversity in the future?
I’m not challenging the value of a more diverse writing pool in Canadian journalism. But it’s a hard problem, and it’s not necessarily caused by racist incumbents. Educational achievement in elementary and high school is probably a better place to look.