Comments on: Donnybrook
Canada's Watchdog on the watchdogsSun, 15 May 2016 11:59:14 +0000hourly1By: Ahmed
Mon, 28 Dec 2015 01:49:23 +0000 is good… This posts are making me feel sltlhigy better about this whole mess and I appreciate the replies. What? First of all, the $500/use deal is only for this past contract, i.e. 1998-2008. Next, a nine-month season includes the playoffs, so let’s not get carried away. Furthermore, your jump in estimates goes from $5000/mo to $15k/week? What? There’s up to two weeks of heavy hockey action, as the CBC averages three games over two days during the first round. After that, things calm down considerably, until the Cup finals, when there’s only one game every two days, or about the same amount of coverage as a three-game evening (triple-header or regional Game One split). That is not a twelve-fold increase at any time, never mind total.Thanks for the heads up about the 98-08 contract, I missed that. I was under the impression that the contract was “per-use” as opposed to per broadcast. This makes a huge difference since CBC used the song religiously (opening, commercial book ends, ads, promos etc). Can anyone clarify? For that matter, does anyone have actual facts on the amount CBC has paid over the years?I think “shitting on tradition” is a bit of a strong term for it. CBC fucked up. They failed in their ostensible mandate to be at the forefront of the preservation and promotion of Canadian culture; maybe not in a huge way in this particular instance — whatever it’s become now, it’s still just one song — but coupled with the CFL and Olympic losses, the curling fiasco, and the whole business with their musical properties, it’s a symptom of a larger problem with the CBC: shortsightedness and a need to make money over doing what I always understood to be their damned jobs. Is CTV to blame for seeing a golden opportunity and swooping in to “save the song?” Is Dolores Claman to blame for trying to get her fair share for writing “The Hockey Theme?” Hardly. It may not seem right, and goodness knows I don’t like it any more than anyone else does, but welcome to the 21st century.I think we need to separate two things as we continue to discuss. On one hand we have the stupidity of CBC to let this happen, which in turn opened the door for 2) CTV buying the rights. One can’t happen without the other, but I can still say “CTV is shitting on tradition” while agreeing that CBC is dumb for letting it happen. Think of it this way. If MacDonald’s deciding to stop using the “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle and Burger King decides to buy the rights and starts airing commercials the next day with the song, is that a smart marketing decision?