Comments on: Hana Gartner Investigates Life After Journalism
Canada's Watchdog on the watchdogsSun, 15 May 2016 11:59:14 +0000hourly1By: george bulgajewski
Fri, 11 Dec 2015 02:46:30 +0000 hana- I happened to hear your comments on 107.5 thurs morning .I sailed on the same boat. NELLY and had a picture postcard. Is there any way one could secure a list of passengers. My mother had a close friend or a nanny to the kids but we separated in Halifax never to be seen again.would like to track her life. her name was Irene with a Polish last name that I don*t know. hope this note reaches you enjoyed your show thanks george
]]>By: Josiah Cook
Tue, 29 Sep 2015 05:05:27 +0000 are one of the greatest assets to Canadian journalism ever. You were also completely wrong about punk rock music. We still love you.