Comments on: Mental health: why journalists don’t get help in the workplace
Canada's Watchdog on the watchdogsSun, 15 May 2016 11:59:14 +0000hourly1By: Jan Hardstaff
Wed, 04 Feb 2015 02:42:47 +0000 is sad there is such stigma surrounding mental illness, but Dave Seglins recognized that what he was experiencing was beyond his ability to manage and he sought help. He also made his family a priority when there was pressure to not do so and this is also commendable. Many employers are requiring “more with less” from their employees. They expect a level of commitment from them that is unrealistic and unhealthy. Long hours, lack of sleep, stress and substance abuse are all ingredients that can trigger mental illness. This result is now ubiquitous in our society and employers must take steps to recognize the signs and symptoms an employee is struggling with mental illness and provide the necessary supports. When it is time to return to work, there also needs to be a comprehensive return to work plan to ensure the best chance for success for employees while educating coworkers and creating awareness that mental health issues are something 25 -30% of people will experience in their lifetimes.