Hello! Forgive me if this is the wrong venue to leave a note for Miss Sally Armstrong but I was fortunate enough to be the last photo in her article on women in the Gulf —Ableseaman Sylvia Glavin—I just wanted to thank her for her amazing work and career. I always wonder what has happened to all the Gulf War Vets and am doing my best to investigate. I have made some great discoveries thanks to youtube (a great American conference featuring women of the military which credits the Gulf War to opening up the roles for women in the US military) and I joined a Gulf War Vets site but haven’t seen any girls in it yet of the 256 or so in a closed Facebook group. The guys are very nice! I also spoke at a US Presidential Sub-committee investigatory group once in Ottawa (I was the Naval “non-officer” presenter there was a combat arms gal and a female fighter pilot for the other two element, army and navy)
Anyway I always thought it would make an interesting story to find the gals in the article and see how their career and lives progressed after the Gulf experience…our first ever girls on the front lines.