Comments on: Yes, we were duped Canada's Watchdog on the watchdogs Sun, 15 May 2016 11:59:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anthony Fri, 04 Dec 2015 00:41:52 +0000 Maybe our federal genornmevt leaders should take a closer look at our armed Forces and stop wasting money on needless g8 summits and such. As long as we have union leaders making more than the factory workers that they are supposed to be helping, as long as Geo’s of major company’s make millions for doing nothing and the hard working employees see little done for them we will have this inequity. It is not lowering the public sectors wages but raising the private sector. We must demand that our banks,our factory’s and other institutes in the private sector start to realize that they are holding their workers hostage and treating them as slaves. Power to the people
