Spring 2000

Sink or Shift

The offices at Shift Media are rarely silent. Phones ring constantly and…

Slumming with Rebecca Eckler

Rebecca Eckler sits on cold, grungy steps outside the Chicago Main Greyhound…

600 Is Too Many

In a small village in southern China, in the province of Fujian,…

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Everybody is thinking about money. Those of us building our financial futures…

The Last of the Big Shots

Scowling portraits of premiers past glower at the members of the Queen’s…

Killer Assignment

Killer Assignment

It’s the end of a long week in October for Vancouver Sun…

Schmooze Operators

Fil Fraser, armed with his remote control, is hoping to show me…

The Watchdogs

“Has this been lawyered?” How often in newspaper, radio and TV newsrooms,…

All the Rave

To say that Ben Rayner and Joshua Ostroff are exhausted would be…

Redesigning Women

Patricia just turned 55, but with her youthful skin and blond-highlighted hair,…

Good Night and Good Luck

Bill Cameron changed my life. He was the broadcast personality who moved…

Beaming Canada to the World

Even now, it’s a day Derek Quinn doesn’t like to think about…

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