Online 2015: KDN and KTW

While your reporter spoke to the two former editors of KDN, she put out what appears to be little effort to speak to anyone at KTW, where I work, other than to use one quote from editor Chris Fould which seems to have been taken completely out of context. A bit of research would have […]
Spring 2014: Who, what, where, WHEN and why

I recently returned to Toronto after more than 30 years living outside Canada and have just discovered your excellent journalism review, Spring 2014 issue. Thank you! The “iWitness” piece is very interesting but no where does it clearly state when the lead incident in the story—the killing of Sammy Yatim—happened! The first sentence cites “a […]
Covering suicide with care

On Friday, December 9, 2011, The Globe and Mail published a story called “How the taboo on reporting suicide met its end,” regarding journalistic coverage of teen suicide. The article looked at the pros of suicide news coverage, including the ability for such stories to raise awareness. But there were also cons, including the potential for such stories to […]
Summer 2011

re: The Even Darker Side? Tim and Steve: The article, The Even Darker Side, written by Catilyn Coverly, tells an interesting story – but an incomplete one with key facts left out. In the article, my former partner at The News Group Net, David Henderson, is quoted as though the Imperial Sugar Company turned to him […]
Winter 2011

January 19, 2011 Re: Suicide Notes Thank you Liam Casey for your passionate and revealing story about the secrecy around suicide. As the daughter of a suicide (my elderly mother) I appreciate the complexity of the motives, and consequences for survivors. I hope you continue to write about this subject. Depression, I think, is a facile […]
Spring & Summer 2010
May 24, 2010 Re: Low Fidelity In her piece about the supposed decline of Canadian music criticism, Jessica Lewis writes that my Globe and Mail review of a concert by the Handsome Furs “politely skirts the issue of whether the group’s music is, well, any good… [Everett-Green] is one of many skilled music journalists who rarely […]
Spring & Summer 2008
June 2, 2008 Re: the Spring 2008 issue Greetings from a Ryerson magazine journalism graduate, class of 1996. I’m a former Ryerson Review scribbler myself—I wrote the John Haslett Cuff cover story, “Sympathy for the Devil,” that year. I just want to pass on my congratulations to this year’s Spring 2008 team. I’ve been living […]
Spring & Summer 2007
December 26, 2007 Re: John Mather’s “Hot Prospects,” Summer 2007 My attention was recently drawn to John Mather’s article regarding the Calgary Herald and its circulation recovery under my watch as editor in chief (1999-2003) and publisher (2003-2006). I cannot speak to the Herald’s circulation and readership trends since then, but its recovery between 2002 […]
Spring & Summer 2006
Aug. 10, 2006 Re: Barry Hertz’s “Being John Ibbitson,” Summer 2006 Barry Hertz’s “Being John Ibbitson” is one of the more execrable lumps of prose I’ve read in the past decade. After leaving journalism in 1996 I forgot how easy it is to stitch a series of half-truths, unsubstantiated claims and trivial factoids into a […]
Spring & Summer 2005
April 13, 2005 Re: Samantha Israel’s “Blogging the Spotlight: The Rise of Online Journalism” (Spring 2005) In another story about the no-holds-barred cage match between journalists and bloggers, Samantha Israel writes that she has been corrected only once by a reader. Let’s go for two. Ms. Israel writes: “More than arrogant, some old-time reporters think […]