Spring 2001

When Equinox covered the earth

In the spring of 1996, in a tower of blue glass in…

Three Men and A Dirty Little Baby

From downtown Manhattan, it’s a 10-minute ride on the L train to…

Playing on the Same Page

It’s mid-afternoon, about the only downtime in a sportswriter’s long working day.…

The Fine Art of Being Loathsome

My very favourite news stories these days are those poignant tales of…

Radical Chic

When Naomi Klein was in high school, she had a part-time job…

Who’s On Top?

With stage fog drifting through the air, acrobats swinging from the ceiling…

Uphill Struggle

To a passerby on Yonge Street, the scene could have been an…

Lock, Stock and One Smoking Barrel

They’ve got a fire burning outside. Our tongues taste the smoke that…

A Passage from India

After a day of working the downtown streets, a 30-something panhandler dressed…

Smokin’ in the Boys’ Room

In January 1962, a 28-year-old female reporter with uncontrollable, flaming red hair…


An image forms in my head as he describes the scene: a…

A Son’s Dilemma

When I was at media school in England I used to daydream-usually…