Wendy Glauser

The Thin Blue Line

The Thin Blue Line

Nick Pron is convinced he's found the balance between being too friendly with the cops and too critical of them. Judging by the number of cops and journalists who no longer speak to him, he's succeeded

I first meet Nick Pron outside the police tribunal room at Toronto Police Headquarters. He is dressed in black and his six-foot-seven frame towers above me. He has intense green eyes and buzzed silver hair and he smiles an easy smile. We introduce ourselves and he tells me to turn off my cellphone, joking, “to […]

 Wendy Glauser

After Honderich

After Honderich

Giles Gherson stands in the middle of the sprawling and bustling Toronto Star newsroom. He’s waiting for a photographer from his former paper, The Globe and Mail, to take his picture. It’s early October and Gherson finds himself in the rather uncomfortable position of making the news, rather than being among the legions who write and edit it. […]