Measuring Readership

The shift from "through-the-book" to "recent reading" methodologies has help achieved a more sophisticated measuring system for Canadian magazine readership
In 2001, the international publishing world welcomed a new competitor. Canada’s Print Measurement Bureau switched from its old method of gauging magazine readership of “through-the-book” to the worldwide standard of “recent reading.” This change in methodology altered the landscape of Canada’s publishing industry and how its magazines are perceived in the international playing field. The […]
He Said/She Said

A look at Trevor Cole's contentious profile of Leah McLaren and bickering that followed
There’s nothing like a little bad blood among journalists to get them scribbling. A little name-calling, a little catty profiling, a teensy bit of shameless colleague-trashing are sure to get journalists salivating. One writes something in varying degrees of nasty about another, and suddenly we’re following the spectacle with sadistic fascination. The media spotlight shone […]
The Fortunes and Arrows of Outrageous Slinger

The Toronto Star columnist takes arms against a sea of troubles and by pondering, lampoons them
For me to write that I think Brian Mulroney is an asshole,” says Joey Slinger, “is every bit as inconsequential as if my mother phones up and tells me she thinks Brian Mulroney is an asshole. My opinion is perhaps interesting to her and hers is to me, but it has no place in journalism.” […]
Just the Feelings, Ma’am

Sentimental journalism-when the facts sink into the mush
The day my daughter started kindergarten we received a sheet of paper from her school that we were advised to keep for handy reference. The dread communication-which occasionally slips out from under the plastic french fry magnet on our fridge door-lists all the “PA days” for the year. To our horror, the very first one […]