Game On!

Since Sportsnet won the bid for national hockey rights, can TSN’s reporters keep their broadcasting lead?
Since Sportsnet won the bid for national hockey rights, can TSN’s reporters keep their broadcasting lead?
You’re invited to our 2015 launch party!

After eight months of sweat, tears and thankfully no blood (but so many tears), we’re almost ready to release the Spring 2015 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism. So come out on Tuesday, March 24 to help us celebrate! It’s your chance to get your hands on the magazine, mingle with industry professionals and wannabes, […]
TEASER: Game On!

Here is a sneak peek at one story from our Spring 2015 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism magazine.
Alumni Essentials: Week of February 23

We’re officially less than one week away from sending off our 2015 issue to print. But while you’re waiting for our work, you can read those we’ve birthed. We’ve got a couple of good ones this week. First up, Summer 2004 production editor Chris Jancelewicz is on his way to stardom with a lead role […]
Friday Funny: community news

Once again, we are reminded of the complicated stories often ignored by the mass media.
The clickbait standard

Almost everything exciting for journalists starts with an information leak. An off-the-record tip from an inside source. A comment overheard in what the speaker thought was a private conversation. An unverified claim made by a whistleblower. Right away, it’s the journalist’s job to prove that rumour true. Often we’re incapable of proving these rumours, at […]
The Alumni Essentials: week of February 16

You know what’s warmer than Toronto today? Wherever you’re reading this from! Ok, I’m sorry for that one. You’re probably thankful you came here for our alumni. I won’t keep you up here any longer. First, we’re congratulating Spring 2006 senior editor Matt Semansky on his soon-to-be-released book Small Business and the City: The Transformative Potential […]
A look at where we fail

I’m a journalist. I traded advanced functions and calculus for data management in high school. I use Google when I need to calculate a percentage. I have no idea what constitutes a polar vortex, or the difference between a tidal wave and a tsunami. When reporters proudly say they suck at math, how can we […]
Alumni Essentials: week of February 9

No matter how your week started, it’s about to get a whole lot better. This week our grads are looking at hospital staff satisfaction, a possible investigation into Toronto councillor Mark Grimes and… weather? First, we must congratulate Summer 2005 senior editor Wendy Glauser who recently started her new role writing for Healthy Debate. Her first […]

And the award for the most ridiculous headline of the week goes to… CBC for “Ancient giant rodent may have fought like an elephant.” Listen to the As It Happens team marvel at how fearsome it is.