Crime-reporting blunders

Reported and produced by Siobhan McClelland, with assistance from Ignacio Estefanell and Ahmad Hathout
Media Tour: The Score

Carly Weeks, health reporter at The Globe and Mail, tells the Review about a heartbreaking conversation between a husband and wife that begs us to question our own mortality.
The Most Tales: Carly Weeks

Carly Weeks, health reporter at The Globe and Mail, tells the Review about a heartbreaking conversation between a husband and wife that begs us to question our own mortality.
Sports break

Tips on how to get into sports journalism
Breaking into sports journalism is all about finding your fit. At least, that was the message delivered at “Fast Break,” an event for students and professionals interested in working in sports media. Four panellists took the stage at Centennial College on September 18, 2012 to share their stories. Chris Jones, a columnist for ESPN The Magazine, […]
The front-page photo: bullseye or bust?

When newspaper editors get disturbing photos, their decisions on whether to post the photos on the front page can have lasting effects
The New York Post’s decision for its Dec. 4 front page photograph, showing a man about to be run over by a subway train, landed the paper in controversial territory. “I think that they ran this picture thinking that their audience would love it,” says David Swick, an assistant professor at the University of King’s College. […]
Healthy Reporting

One fact-checker’s prescription
During her years at Chatelaine, fact-checker Megan Griffith-Greene, who is a current CBC associate producer, came up with a set of health-reporting guidelines to address the most common errors. They include: – All human research should include female subjects, without exception. – Always refer to the primary material. – Acceptable research sources include: researchers, official associations, […]
Review: Crimes without honour

Montreal journalist speaks about honour-based violence
Earlier this year, Pakistan won its first Academy Award for the short documentary “Saving Face,” about women who are victims of acid burnings in the country’s rural regions. The film follows UK-based plastic surgeon Dr. Mohammad Jawad as he travels back to Pakistan and does pro bono work to improve the appearance of their faces. In […]