
The day after the Twin Towers collapsed, Robert Fulford’s columns gained a new urgency.Through his forceful, controversial views, he proved why newspapers need fearless public intellectuals
Men in suits and ties quietly converse in the hallway outside a library. Every once in a while a polite chuckle can be heard. Looking on is a lady in pearls, who sits on one of the dark wood chairs that are arranged in a dozen neat rows. Behind the white linen-covered table at the […]
Star Power

With celebrity news moving into the forefront, do you want to bring 'em down or build 'em up?
TheToronto Star, TheGlobe and Mail, National Post and TheNew York Times (at least on Sundays), seem to be required reading for the practising journalist. But at the newsstand last weekend, I bypassed all four and picked up an Us Weekly, offering the latest gossip on Britney Spears. Does she have a new guy? What’s the Golden Globe gossip? Yes, celebrity news […]