Northern Restoration

Zacharias Kunuk brought oral culture into the digital age by creating his own form of journalism, one that tells stories from the inside out. And he's unrepentant about the one-sidedness of his approach
Television first came to the North in the late 1960s at the request of mining companies that wanted to keep their transient workers occupied through long, dark Arctic winters with southern sitcoms and soap operas. No one consulted the local Inuit population. Transmissions were in French and English and came in one direction: in. One […]
Is Canada Neglecting Its Journalistic Past?

This country stores its newspaper archives, stack by stack, in a basement and three old warehouses in Ottawa—with little public access. Paper of Record, Bob Huggins’s ambitious digitization project, would have changed that, but it’s history now
Bob Huggins thought he had come up with a nearly surefire plan to make some money and secure a legacy for himself. He would make Canada’s historical newspaper records available to anyone with access to a computer and a public library card. It would be North America’s first large-scale newspaper digitization program, and when he […]
The Most Tales: Steve Buist (Part 1)

Steve Buist, investigations editor at the Hamilton Spectator, discusses his most powerful piece of journalism.
The Most Tales: Steve Buist (Part 2)

Steve Buist, investigations editor at the Hamilton Spectator, discusses his most difficult meal on the job.