The Trouble with Harry

Harry Rasky was one of Canada’s most celebrated documentary filmmakers. So why is he so unknown today?
The archives on the third floor of York University’s Scott Library aren’t exactly welcoming. The buzzer-only admittance, white tables and fluorescent lighting suggest a trip through the Cuckoo’s Nest rather than any hallowed halls of academia. “I’m looking for the Harry Rasky archives,” I tell an archivist. “Sure,” she says. “What did you want to […]
Metal on Metal

How metal magazines—and their fans—keep the Canadian music magazine industry afloat
On the right night, at the right bar, metal fans show up ready to go. Young men and women, barely old enough to cross the ID line, scan merchandise, buy drinks and wait for the show. At the end of a good night, they’ll stagger, — if not limp — toward the exit doors, disoriented, […]