A Farce to be Reckoned With

Despite the early laughter and derision, people are actually watching Sun News, unnerving politically correct Canadians everywhere
“I’m not a fat ninja,” declared Ezra Levant. “It’s just me, Ezra, wearing a niqab.” That was the beginning of a segment of his Sun News Network television show, The Source, last July. He was indeed dressed in a style of burqa worn by women throughout the Arab Peninsula and wore it to make a […]
Community papers connect with local readers in ways big city papers can’t

Small towns rely on their papers for a sense of togetherness—and that’s good for both the communities and the publications
Denise Smith doesn’t use the internet and she doesn’t have a smartphone. The small business associate from Grimsby, Ontario, reads one newspaper a week: The Grimsby-Lincoln News. It’s a community newspaper with a weekly circulation of 23,450 that covers the 238 square kilometre stretch between Grimsby and West Lincoln. There is no business or international […]
In defense of the unpaid intership

My affectionate position toward unpaid internships may come as a surprise for two reasons: A. I am broke. B. I am also an unpaid intern. For the second time in my life, I am working for free—by choice. In fact, I practically begged for the internship I have now. I applied by email, then by […]