Summer 2012 Teaser: The Amanda Lang Exchange

Chelsey Burnside talks about her upcoming profile “The Amanda Lang Exchange” in the Summer 2012 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.
Tread lightly when reporting the robocall scandal, critics say

The investigation into the robocall story that broke in late February is still in the early stages, but columnists have already sunk their teeth into the scandal. Elections Canada and the RCMP are continuing to trace the fraudulent automated calls that targeted voters in an alleged scheme to discourage Liberal supporters from casting ballots. As the […]
Changing views on mental illness

There is a strange dichotomy between the composed, eloquent Michael Kimber at the podium and his digitized self on the screen behind him. As he reenacts an anxiety attack in his video poem, “The Cure,” beads of sweat run down his forehead and he gasps for air, eyelids fluttering frantically. Kimber was one of the […]