The Outsider

The trend among political columnists is to be more provocative and, increasingly, incendiary. Not Chantal Hébert
Chantal Hébert wasn’t ready the first time she arrived at Parliament Hill as a news writer in the fall of 1977. Her press card said Radio-Canada, but amid all the balding, wrinkled white men, she feared she was too much of a “baby face.” She was 23 at the time. “I felt like I suddenly […]
The Journalism Responsibility Unit

The Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision to allow a new libel defence, “responsible journalism,” opens the door for more stories in the public interest—or does it?
Libel plaintiff lawyer Ronald F. Caza was arguing a motion in an Ottawa court when he received the email from his junior lawyer, Jeff Saikaley. Caza knew exactly when the decision would be made. With 30 seconds of downtime, he checked his BlackBerry and read an email saying something along the lines of, “New defence […]