The subjectivity of objective music criticism

How does one be objective in music criticism without being too subjective? Find out how Toronto's music critics do it (or don't do it).
Riding on the success of their newest self-titled EP, New York indie band, Interpol strolled into Toronto’s Horseshoe Tavern in September 2001. Hailed as the “next big thing,” several newspapers in Toronto decided to send reviewers to cover the show. The Toronto Star music critic Ben Rayner attended, as did NOW magazine’s music critic Sarah […]
Mission impossible

If anyone could save the troubled Disclosure it was veteran CBC producer Jim Williamson. But then the ratings came out
Back in mid-October, Jim Williamson was as nervous as an expectant father in a hospital waiting room. Fidgeting in the front row of the John Bassett Theatre in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Disclosure’s executive producer turned his head to scan the audience every 15 seconds. He griped his clipboard tightly, flipping through pages of […]