The Most Tales: Graeme Smith

In our next video, The Globe and Mail correspondent Graeme Smith tells us one of the most heartbreaking stories he heard during his time in Afghanistan.
Put to sleep

How the fate of Dogs in Canada magazine rested on the board of the Canadian Kennel Club
Kelly Caldwell’s baby had surgery four weeks ago and is on her way to recovery. “She injured her knee and had to have two pins put in,” Caldwell says. Her baby, Dottie, is a year-and-a-half-old Boston terrier that has an appointment with the vet. “She’s going for a little bit of dog physiotherapy today,” Caldwell […]
Media roundup: Valentine’s Day

When February rolls around, it seems as if every news outlet tries to find a way to accurately tackle the holiday that is honoured by few, humorous to many, and horrendous to most — Valentine’s day. Today we look at how five Toronto news sources managed to pack coverage of love, tears, and candygrams into […]