Disputed Land, Failed Coverage

When conflict over a First Nations' land claim erupted in Caledonia, it divided a community and, sadly, the local papers, too
Karen Best relaxed at a rental cabin outside Quebec City with her family, taking a well-deserved break in July 2006. She’d spent most of the previous four and a half months covering a land claim dispute that had divided her normally peaceful home of Caledonia, Ontario, along racial lines and garnered national media attention. As […]
Blog Rolling at CBC

Some complain the new blogging guidelines are draconian. Others, who wrote their own manifesto on rules of conduct over a year ago, say CBC management extends an olive branch to employee bloggers
On August 3, Inside the CBC posted the entry, “CBC proposes approving employees’ personal blogs.” Within 24 hours, CBC’s official employee blog received 60 replies. Another 40 were posted before the end of the month. Many were unhappy with the ideas proposed by management, and several responses called the rules “heavy handed” and “way over […]