Going Down

Yes, daily circulation is in serious decline. But in the nation's capital and elsewhere, newspapers are taking big risks to lure back readers and reinvent themselves
“He’s taking me to see the beast,” I think, as Scott Anderson leads me through an ill-lit warren of cubicles, through a door and down a bright, narrow hallway. He stops and, twisting a knob, swings another door open. The ceiling jumps eighteen metres above my head. Silent hulking machines, beset with buttons and knobs, […]
What Makes Clive Run?

Clive Thompson talks fast, works fast, sleeps little and makes a flying leap from editing This Magazine in Toronto to writing cover stories for The New York Times Magazine
Sitting in an Internet café in the Czech Republic, Clive Thompson is frantically searching for lawyers in Spain who specialize in Internet law. A week prior, in Britain, Thompson received news that a virus writer had been arrested in Spain. The only information he could find about the arrest was on a website written in […]