The Anderson Mystique

"As a young biracial woman, I'm struck by how journalists my age are oblivious to Doris Anderson's accomplishments. It is only because of such early feminists that my generation can do whatever we want, free of social constraints. We owe her a lot"
Doris Anderson had an impeccable manicure. The editor of Chatelaine from 1957 to 1977 loved the high-lacquer look. “When you would go into her office,” says Marjorie Harris, who wrote for the magazine in the early 1970s and was later associate editor, “she would get out her polish and start doing her nails. The smell […]
Lighting a Spark

The producers of Spark, a weekly show about technology and how it affects culture, have come up with a different way to do radio—they ask listeners for feedback before the program airs. Is that a good idea?
As I pull out my high-tech Sony recorder, the producer, Elizabeth Bowie, startles me. She stares at it and says, “Oh, look at that”—and I thought Nora Young, Dan Misener and Bowie, the people behind the technology-based radio show and podcast Spark would laugh at my two-year-old digital recorder. But of course, the show’s website […]