Chemtrails, false flags and 9/11, oh my!

All but ignored by mainstream media, conspiracy theorists search for an alternative audience. These days, fellow "truthers" aren't hard to find
There’s a blizzard outside, but over half of the chairs inside this Queen Street West store are full. The store isn’t just any store in downtown Toronto; it’s Conspiracy Culture, or what co-owner Patrick Whyte calls a “taboo, magic happy place” for people who are interested in everything from alien phenomena to political conspiracies. And […]
5 Reasons to Love Service Journalism

Service is the fast food of the magazine industry. That doesn’t mean it can’t be a full, nutritious meal
For years, Lise Ravary had practiced a version of her short speech, so it was hardly impromptu. After a quarter-century of involvement with the National Magazine Awards as both judge and board member, the thought had become too difficult to ignore. Yet again, women’s service magazines had been bypassed in favour of more “respected” magazines. Maclean’s, Toronto […]