Little Miss Mischief

Throughout her career, Jan Wong has continuously reinvented herself. With the death of "Lunch with" two years ago, she's once again looking to cut out a new role
The bus platform at Toronto’s Lawrence subway station is uncharacteristically quiet for a Friday evening. There are few commuters, no buses and little noise. It doesn’t even feel like rush hour until Jan Wong arrives. Wearing a green hooded coat and bright royal blue backpack, Wong could just as easily be coming from school as […]
And the Winner is…

For all the prestige and glory associated with winning a national journalism award, is it truly a celebration of journalism at its finest?
I have never won a national journalism award. Which is okay, because I’m not a real journalist. But when I become a real journalist, it still won’t matter. Sure I’ll apply for the awards, but I’ll say it’s an honour just to be nominated. And if I win, I’ll frame my award and display it […]