Sick and Tired

At first I thought it would be easy to criticize the journalists on the public health beat. But after a year of following several reporters, I discovered there's no easy cure for what ails them
Everyone’s crowded around the boardroom table on a chilly October afternoon for the Ryerson Review of Journalism’s first story meeting. My foot’s tapping impatiently as the student beside me pitches her story; then, it’s my turn. “Public health reporting,” I suggest. “It’s surrounded us through what some are calling the year of panic: Mad Cow […]
Feminist mags in trouble in Canada

The women behind Canadian feminist magazines are dedicated and certainly have the know-how but poor readership and advertising woes makes their jobs that much harder
Canadian women don’t have to look too far for beauty tips these days. Stores are filled with racks full of glossy women’s magazines boasting fall’s hottest eye shadow techniques or ten easy steps to achieving sexier arms. But we seem to be falling short when it comes to reaching women on a deeper level. Women […]