Reality is the New Black

Contestants flock to auditions for Fashion File Host Hunt, looking for a chance to become the new Tim Blanks. Meanwhile, fashion journalism veterans wonder if CBC's Factual Entertainment Division trivializes their reporting reality
Julie Montpetit is preparing for her close-up. The camera pans from her black platform pumps to the nut-coloured leather belt cinched high on her waist. She’s perfectly composed until you meet her eyes, which are tearing up with fright, pink and wet under the spotlights. It’s a Friday morning in downtown Montreal, and any other […]
The Tortoise and The Tortoise

Two new city magazines in Edmonton have left the starting gate, but slow and steady may not be enough to win this publishing race
Shop clerk Dawn Golding snatches a copy of Edmonton Life from the display in front of her till at the Front Page, a newsstand on downtown Edmonton’s main drag. She leafs through its pages and gushes about the glossy new magazine in her hands. “I’m just glad they’re doing a magazine on Edmonton,” she says. […]