The Walrus Loses Its Carpenter(2)

The time has come the walrus said, to talk of many things, of ad sales, circ and lofty goals - and management reshufflings
It is the afternoon of February 4, 2004. David Berlin has taken time out from deadline pressure at The Walrus’ Duncan Street offices in downtown Toronto to be a guest speaker in a journalism class at Ryerson University. The editor of the ambitious new Canadian general interest magazine – Canada’s answer to Harper’s, he hopes […]
I Do

A new magazine emerges in Canada to help gay and lesbian couples plan their weddings
When Kevin Bourassa and Joe Varnell planned to get married in January 2001 at the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, they faced all the usual dilemmas. They worried about the caterers. They worried about the florists. They worried about the reservations. Except for one difference – they weren’t preoccupied about which businesses to choose, but […]
2 is Better Than None

A new magazine for coupledom
Diane Hall and her husband Gerry Brown had a busy February. So busy in fact, they could only spare a few minutes for an interview about their new project. As the publisher and founder of one of Canada’s newest magazines, they’ve spent countless hours at the office getting the publication ready for its March launch. […]