Darfur on Hold

The media's story selection process hasn't put the crisis in western Sudan in the background, yet the genocide continues. Maybe there's something wrong with the structure of news reporting...
Now Rwanda looms in the background. The mass murder of civilians that began three and a half years ago in Darfur, an area in western Sudan the size of France, has been described as “Rwanda in slow motion” and “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis” for the past two years. Compared to the Rwandan genocide, the […]
Staring Down the Tigers

The Sri Lankan civil war is playing out in Toronto’s Tamil media — and one local writer has the broken bones to prove it. Profiles in journalistic courage
From the window of the airplane I can see treetops for miles and miles, with terracotta-tiled roofs flickering in patches. Then, on the one-hour bus ride from the airport, I catch glimpses of yellowthroated birds and wildflowers in the bushes. Small white herons with jet-black legs and beaks dot the paddy fields. Trees rise up […]