Hear No Error, See No Error, Post No Error

The controversy over online corrections policies
Before the launch of OpenFile, editor-in-chief Kathy Vey knew that the hyperlocal news site needed an online corrections policy. “It’s not just a policy,” she says. “It’s our credibility on the line.” And once a news outlet loses its credibility, it is extremely difficult to get it back. OpenFile brought Craig Silverman aboard as editorial […]
Toronto Life’s Christine Dewairy faces design challenger

Stepping in as the art director of a city magazine just two years after a redesign means no chance for another overhaul. Still, Christine Dewairy is making the look her own—even if the reviews are mixed
At Maclean’s, art director Christine Dewairy was responsible for redesigning a tired magazine for the “grandparents,” as she puts it, that was lagging on the newsstand. But when she became responsible for an additional three magazines (MoneySense, Canadian Business and Profit), she found herself doing more overseeing and less designing. So when Toronto Life editor […]
The Most Tales: Charlie Smith

Georgia Straight editor, Charlie Smith, discusses the most outlandish thing the Straight has done.