At the Corner of Hope and Hype

I pissed off Jay Rosen. The New York University professor is a celebrity in the online journalism world—he has over45,000 followers on Twitter and is renowned for his 2001 book on public journalism, What Are Journalists For? and I’d been trying to reach him for months. The guy’s a leading expert on hyperlocal and collaborative journalism, and I […]
12 Days of the RRJ: Day 6 – OpenFile

OpenFile is a new local news site that puts readers on the assignment desk. Neither citizen journalism nor top-down news model, OpenFile—which launched in Toronto in May—asks readers to suggest the stories they think need exposure. Topics, often accompanied by multimedia elements, have been as big as the municipal election and as small as a neighbourhood corner store closing. And while the site is not yet a household name, it has recently expanded to Vancouver and Ottawa.
Wendy Gillis spoke to Nick Taylor-Vaisey, the editor of Ottawa’s OpenFile and Karen Pinchin, the editor of Vancouver’s OpenFile, to see how the early days of hyperlocal, collaborative reporting have gone. Join the neighbourhood conversation with Gillis’s feature on Toronto’s OpenFile in the Ryerson Review of Journalism, which launches on December 14 at the Cadillac […]
Humpday Round-up—News in the journalism world

The Toronto Star is reporting that a Toronto-based blogger who has been locked up in an Iranian jail for two years on propaganda charges could now face execution. Prosecutors apparently think initiating a dissident Persian blogosphere calls for the death penalty. CBC News Toronto viewers will be seeing some new faces this fall. Anne-Marie Mediwake—morning […]
Friday Funny: Classic edition

Journalism is serious business. Except when it’s funny—then it’s hilarious. For most of the week, this blog will bring you hard-hitting, thoughtful, unimaginably brilliant analysis of media issues. Then Friday will come, and we’ll post bloopers — or rather, anything else that’s funny and hopefully vaguely related to journalism. Sound like a deal? For our first edition, […]
When Twitter becomes the news

Sometimes, how the story was broken becomes a story in itself. First, yesterday’s big news was that Postmedia News offered the National Post‘s entire newsroom buyouts. An internal memo, sent to all Post staff last Friday, informed employees they had until the end of this week to accept the deal, which offers three weeks of pay per year on […]