Online Exclusives

 Gregory Hudson

Dan Kaszor talks about how a radio show about the Internet got moved to the Internet

Dan Kaszor talks about how a radio show about the Internet got moved to the Internet

Greg Hudson has a conversation with RRJ writer Dan Kaszor on his article, Solo Mission and how CBC Radio’s Search Engine became an online-only radio show

Greg Hudson has a conversation with RRJ writer Dan Kaszor on his article, Solo Mission and how CBC Radio’s Search Engine became an online-only radio show.

 Gregory Hudson

Jacqueline Nelson discusses her article on the bright side of custom

Jacqueline Nelson discusses her article on the bright side of custom

Jacqueline Nelson talks with Greg Hudson about her article Custom Brokers and the bright side of custom publications

Jacqueline Nelson talks with Greg Hudson about her article Custom Brokers  and the bright side of custom publications.

 Lora Grady

Fight for your Write

Fight for your Write

Lawyer and journalist Michael Geist's work centres around online copyright laws that are becoming increasingly important to journalists. Lora Grady investigates the problems and how Geist is delivering the solution.

This past June, then Industry Minister Jim Prentice introduced a bill on Parliament Hill that sparked debate across creative industries nationwide. Bill C-61, a reform on copyright legislation, could have potentially strangled the freedom of online journalists without them even realizing it. Fortunately, thanks to university professor, blogger and columnist Michael Geist, thousands were aware […]

 Morgan Dumas

Strength in Numbers

Strength in Numbers

Ed2010 isn't a robot from Star Wars, it's the group where the magazine minions meet to network. And it may be the only way to survive the recession

In 2002, when Kim Shiffman was an editorial assistant at Chatelaine, she heard about an American organization called “Ed2010.” This 11-year old group, formed to encourage editorial juniors to aim for top jobs, instantly struck Shiffman as intriguing. Although there was already the Canadian Society of Magazine Editors, Ed2010 was for people starting out, and […]

 Jacqueline Nelson

Custom Brokers

Custom Brokers

Custom publications may seem like the dark side. But as these marketing books adopt higher journalistic standards, Jacqueline Nelson says it’s getting harder to tell the difference between them and consumer magazines

I’m going to say something kind of incendiary,” Ilana Weitzman says carefully. The editor-in-chief of enRoute, Air Canada’s in-flight magazine, knows she’s tiptoeing through landmines. “Look at fashion magazines,” she says, referring to her old job as editor of the Montreal-based fashion title Strut. “The idea that content is completely free of any interested party influence in […]

 Daniel Kaszor

Solo Mission

Solo Mission

Last summer, CBC took Search Engine off the radio and moved it online, turning the program into a one-man show. Daniel Kaszor asks host Jesse Brown about the transition to the web and his complicated relationship with his audience

During the June finale of Search Engine, listeners learned the radio program had been cancelled. Sort of. The show, which launched in September 2007 on CBC Radio One and focused on the effect of technology in public life, would now air exclusively on the web. And instead of a team producing the program, host Jesse Brown […]

 Gregory Hudson

Carolyn Morris speaks about her article Undercover Blues

Carolyn Morris speaks about her article Undercover Blues

Carolyn Morris talks to Greg Hudson on the pros and cons of vigilante reporting and her article, Undercover Blues

Carolyn Morris talks to Greg Hudson on the pros and cons of vigilante reporting and her article, Undercover Blues.

 Carolyn Morris

Undercover Blues

Undercover Blues

After going incognito for her Maid for a Month series, Jan Wong faces a deceit and invasion of privacy suit. So, asks Carolyn Morris, does undercover journalism need to clean up its act?

While cleaning a five-bedroom house in a wealthy Toronto neighbourhood, Jan Wong had to pee. Venturing into the 11-year-old son’s private en suite bathroom, she was disgusted by the un-flushed toilet and the urine on the seat—some of it dried. In her 2006 Globe and Mail series “Maid for a Month,” Wong cleaned other people’s toilets, floors […]

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