Review: Crimes without honour

Montreal journalist speaks about honour-based violence
Earlier this year, Pakistan won its first Academy Award for the short documentary “Saving Face,” about women who are victims of acid burnings in the country’s rural regions. The film follows UK-based plastic surgeon Dr. Mohammad Jawad as he travels back to Pakistan and does pro bono work to improve the appearance of their faces. In […]
Before he was cool

Radio host Jian Ghomeshi recounts his awkward youth in his first book.
“I assume you’re here because you’ve read my book. That means you’re good people,” Jian Ghomeshi began his reading at The Word on the Street festival in Toronto on September 23. The musician-cum-TV host-cum-author was promoting his memoir 1982, which chronicles a year of his youth as a 14-year-old Iranian living in Thornhill. It is a […]
SHE comes to Canada

Pakistani monthly SHE Magazine introduces South Asian flair to Toronto's fashion scene with its new Canadian Edition: SHE Canada
“Lady Diana & her lesser known Pakistani love affair”—that’s the September issue cover story of a new Canadian lifestyle magazine to hit the stands, SHE Canada. One of the most widely read English monthly publications in Pakistan, SHE Magazine has launched its first international edition here in Toronto. But associate editor Priya Kumar explains that the magazine appeals […]
5 Tips for the Aspiring Science Writer

Advice every science journalist should know.
Science journalism is an exciting and important field, but it can be difficult to establish yourself as a credible writer on the science beat. Exploring science issues is a challenging task for a new journalist because finding the right stories and getting the facts straight are essential to making a name for yourself as a […]
up! Magazine Media Tour

Take a media tour of up! Magazine, the inflight magazine for West Jet.
Take a tour of up! magazine, the in-flight travel publication of WestJet airlines. The magazine is part of RedPoint Media & Marketing Solutions, located in Calgary.
Photojournalist Peter Bregg Rubs Shoulders With Ben Affleck, Cast Of Argo, General Petraeus

Rumoured to be a top Oscar contender, Argo, starring Ben Affleck and co-produced by George Clooney, premiered in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, October 10 with a reception at the Canadian embassy. At the event, joining a slew of ambassadors and actors, was Peter Bregg, a photojournalism instructor at Ryerson University who had been invited to exhibit […]
How to be a Halloween Journalist

Everyone secretly wants to be a journalist. Between Hollywood interpretations, such as the glamourous Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, and the real-life fame won by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein for breaking Watergate, the life of a journalist looks pretty enticing
Everyone secretly wants to be a journalist. Between Hollywood interpretations, such as the glamourous Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, and the real-life fame won by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein for breaking Watergate, the life of a journalist looks pretty enticing. But as actual journalists, we know the days of glitz and glamour […]