Murder, She Wrote

Women are taking over a traditionally male beat—and killing it
Women are taking over a traditionally male beat—and killing it
TEASER: Murder, She Wrote

Here is a sneak peek at one story from our Spring 2015 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism magazine.
Bloomberg News embraces longform journalism in Canada

The news agency’s domestic division looks to features and investigative reporting under former Globe and Mail editor Edward Greenspon
By Erica Commisso The Ottawa office of Bloomberg News is just minutes away from the Rideau Canal and Parliament buildings, directly down the street from the National War Memorial. Most days, this makes for nothing more than a pleasant view. But on October 22, 2014, Bloomberg employees were some of the first to broadcast […]
Bradman’s narrative

Five years ago, Cody Royle and Justin Robertson stood facing each other on opposite sides of an Australian football field. The teams they coached were playing each other. “That was one of the first times we met,” Royle says, smiling. Today, the Australian transplants are planning the launch of their Canadian online sports publication, Bradman […]
Blanket Statements

A Toronto Star report exposed serious flaws in Ontario's child-protection system. Some social workers say the simplistic coverage bring new risks to vulnerable children
“Getting Away with Murder-Of children” and “Missed Clues-Lost Lives” read the headlines in The Toronto Star a few weekends last spring. Inside the paper pictures of doe-eyed children stared up at readers, as if pleading for help. These children had been killed by those who were supposed to nurture them, and failed by the system […]