Let’s be Frank

Thousands and thousands of Canadians have been Franked. Even I've been Franked - indirectly. So what was it about the satirical magazine's new owner that didn't make me want to throttle him?
Do you have time to tear it up and start from scratch? Because we’re thinking about becoming a medical magazine.” Fabrice Taylor was advising me on how to update my feature. It felt like -50 C in the Frank magazine office. Taylor suggested his attire would set a good scene: scarf, black toque and gloves […]
Party On!

Launch parties are fun and good way to unwind, but do they also set the tone for how well a magazine will do?
“I’m kind of working,” Matt whispers in my ear. He smiles at a short, gray-haired guy who smiles back at him and slurps on his drink. Matt is temporarily employed at the CBC and right now he’s “working” the room. His contract expires soon, he tells me as he shoos me off. “Fine,” I think […]