Pssst … Try the Back Door to Cyberspace

On the frontiers of human rights and technology, outspoken nerds fight to free the flow of information on the web
In the belly of the red sandstone Munk Centre at the University of Toronto, down two flights of stairs and hallways that twist and turn, computer hacking meets political activism at Citizen Lab. The hum of 20 computers reverberates against the clickety-clacking of fingers on keyboards as Nart Villeneuve, the lab’s director of technical research, […]

With plans to write about his severely disabled son, Ian Brown—a master of personal journalism—is about to get a lot more personal and maybe, finally, perhaps, produce a book that matches his big ambitions
“Failure!” says Ian Brown. “Big failure.” The feature writer and broadcaster is talking about his failure — to write a book he still owes Random House, the chronicle of a car high-jacking and kidnapping. We’re well into our conversation that began about an hour earlier, just after 8 a.m., when he burst through the wooden […]