Scary Monsters

Are crime reporters guilty of fear mongering and, if so, does that derail the development of good public policy?
Len Gold looks nervous as he stares into the black eye of the camera. Wearing a leather jacket over a Vancouver Canucks T-shirt, he recites his question for the leaders of Canada’s four main political parties. Framed by mountains meeting the ocean in Gibsons, British Columbia, Gold says, “My concern is safety for people in […]
Say Word Keeps Kids Out of Trouble and Interested in Journalism

A magazine by and for young people, Say Word de-bunks negative stereotypes of a community while helping at-risk kids—and maybe nurturing a new generation of journalists
Even though it’s Saturday morning, the staff of Say Word is busy running a casting call for the next issue’s fashion spread. Young people scatter around an office on the third floor of a grey commercial building. Anita Singh stations herself at the entrance, greeting models; Tevin Thompson sets up the camera and lights for […]
News of the World hoisted on own scandal-loving petard

You’ve almost got to feel bad for now-defunct British tabloid newspaper News of the World. Self-proclaimed as “The World’s Greatest Newspaper” with top-spot circulation, the 168-year old newspaper published its last edition on Sunday, bidding a “very proud farewell” to its readers amidst a phone-hacking scandal that started out with a dead 13-year-old’s phone and […]