Farewell ”Mr. McGoo”

Longtime Southam columnist Don McGillivray, who died last summer at age 76, worked through the reigns of 10 prime ministers. He was a committed journalist, but a humble one too
It is 1965 and the federal election campaign is nearing an end. Don McGillivray is on a train heading toward Toronto along with other press gallery journalists and prime ministerial candidate John Diefenbaker. A lively discussion about journalism rages in McGillivray’s roomette. Diefenbaker has been saying things in speeches that are untrue and some reporters […]
All the Young Dudes Now Write the News

The growing epidemic of twentysomething journalists emerging as newspaper columnists
The crisis began as a response to declining newspaper readership. The crisis grew as editors across the country sought out brash journalists to increase readership among younger people. The crisis hit its peak when the The Globe and Mail’sLeah McLaren and the National Post’sRebecca Eckler began chronicling their lives in the country’s most prestigious newspapers. […]