Family Planning

The Success of Today's Parent has delivered a baby boomlet of new competitiors. Cute kids and Q-Tips around, but where's the adult journalism?
It’s a windy Saturday afternoon and hundreds of families are sweeping in and out of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for the annual Today’s Parent Baby and Toddler Show. They cruise along the aisles, checking out booths advertising the latest toys, baby food, diapers, camcorders and even designer baby slings. Some parents take a break, […]
The Immigrant Experience

With a quarter of a million immigrants arriving in Canada every year, publishers—big and small—believe this really is a land of opportunity
It’s three in the morning on a sweet April day in 2003, and Naeem “Nick” Noorani wakes up in his Vancouver home. Despite having left Dubai five years earlier with his family, he still finds something strange about this country. “Everyone says Canada is a country of immigrants,” he says. “There are magazines on wilting […]