The War Inside

War correspondents can be "Totally fucked up. They can't face reality. They can't face the down of not having the adrenaline pump." An in-depth look at the hidden aftershocks of covering bloody conflicts up close
Neil Macdonald and Patrick Brown, two of CBC’s most distinguished foreign correspondents, are acting up: “This is ridiculous!” “It’s all psychobabble!” The pair has briefly returned to Canada to attend the annual CBC correspondents’ conference. The year is 2002 and they, along with at least 50 English-and French-speaking CBC reporters and their producers, are sitting […]
What’s in it for us, though?

There's no shortage of Canadian media coverage of United States presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain and even Mike Huckabee. And why not—some of the horses are running neck and neck. But left in the dust is what each of these candidates might actually mean for Canada
The Globe and Mail’s Washington bureau correspondent John Ibbitson vividly remembers the first time he saw U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama speak in person. On an early December 2007 day in Columbia, S.C., he was standing in a press pool 12 to 15 metres from the stage, listening intently. Obama spoke and paced the […]