On Trial

Richard Stursberg has been head of CBC English TV for almost four years. In that time he has been criticized, condemned and pilloried for diminishing CBC TV's best journalism traditions. Is he guilty as charged, or a man unduly persecuted? You be the judge
It’s early November and Richard Stursberg is sitting at CBC’s Toronto headquarters in his nicely appointed seventh-floor office, with its leather armchairs, gleaming wooden table, red Persian rug and big flat-screen TV. Dressed today in an olive blazer, green striped shirt and black pants—a much more conservative choice than the lime-green suit he has worn […]
Family Affair

The West is the best for publisher Peter Legge and his daughters
Peter Legge is a wildly enthusiastic man. The chairman and CEO of Canada Wide Media Ltd. says he has an “exceptional circulation department,” “exceptional sales people”—just an “exceptional staff” altogether. But he has reason to be optimistic: Canada Wide (CW) is the largest independent magazine publisher in Western Canada. And the 66-year-old’s family-run company now […]