Sweet Talk, Tough Broad

Mildred MacDonald couldn’t hack it as a 1950s housewife. But as a radio reporter? No sweat. How this proper lady with a passion for storytelling became an accidental pioneer
Not again; what a bother. But oh, it can’t wait. Music—that’ll do it. Aha! Dinah Shore: two minutes, 30 seconds and here comes the song. She’s ready, Dinah starts; and off she goes—Mil’s gone. This always happens to Mildred MacDonald. Her 23-year-old bladder behaves with urgent, octogenarian unpredictability. That is, only when she’s on air. […]
In Fox we trust?

According to a new little poll[pdf] that’s getting a whole lot of attention, Fox News is the most trusted news network in the United States. Almost half of the 1,151 American registered voters who were surveyed by Public Policy Polling said they trusted the network. Results were less positive for CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC. […]
Have you hugged a journalist today?

Thoughtful gifts are always best. Forget the rotating tie racks and odorous candles this year; why not get your loved ones something that is distinctively you? I came across a site earlier that offers 15 different “journalism” themed T-shirts. “Can I quote you on that?” “Everyone loves a journalist,” and “I [heart] Reporters” are among the […]