Who’s telling the truth about #WelcomeRefugees?

Across Canadian news outlets, there is a strange discrepancy in reports about whether or not the Liberal government is excluding single male Syrian refugees
I don’t know who’s telling the truth about the Liberal refugee plan. On the one hand, there’s Paul McLeod, BuzzFeed‘s political editor, who published an article on November 25, 2015, titled “Someone Gave The Media A Bunch Of False Info About Canada’s Syrian Refugee Plan.” McLeod takes issue with a CBC report by Rosemary Barton that, days before the Liberals […]
Behind the Scenes at Global News’ #elxn42party

Social media has been a driving force during the election, but to what extent?
On the ground floor of 121 Bloor Street East, Dawna Friesen and Tom Clark are hosting a live panel: big screens with “Decision Canada” and “Global News” behind them, three cameras in front of them. Down the hall in a back room, 20 or so analysts are calmly watching over computers as polling data and […]
Hair matters

The bald truth about the electoral coverage on Justin Trudeau
Justin’s Trudeau’s hair might be the best weapon in the political business, just slightly ahead of Donald Trump’s golden locks. After all it has made headlines in the past two years and signified Trudeau’s trajectory from Member of Parliament to leader of the Liberal Party. “Justin Trudeau: Great hair but no credentials,” read an October […]
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: RRJ speaks to Mohamed Fahmy

His thoughts on the media coverage of his case, his time behind bars and his future in Canadian journalism
Mohamed Fahmy has been toeing the line between being a journalist and being a story for over a year now. As the former Al Jazeera bureau chief in Cairo, Fahmy, 41, was arrested in Egypt in 2013 with two colleagues and convicted of terror-related charges. The case, the court trials, the journalist and his family have […]
Hot but bothered

Canadians are as kinky as anybody. So why is sex coverage here so damned boring?
By Kate Hefford “This is a good brand,” says sex blogger Erika Szabo, motioning toward a pair of $50 underwear. They’re silky smooth, dusty blue boxer briefs with an exaggerated bulge. We glance over electrosex gear, sex toys that apply electric stimulation to the genitals. We’re in Priape, a sex shop and gay haven in Toronto’s […]
A dull read
Sharp's John McGouran and Michael La Fave say they want to produce a magazine of GQ and Esquire quality, but is it really more than a catalogue of pricey boy toys?
By Karizza Sanchez It’s the September launch party for Sharp magazine’s Book for Men, a hardcover offshoot filled with glossy images of luxurious cars, men’s fashion, and exotic destinations. The ballroom at the new Shangri-La Hotel in downtown Toronto is crowded, lit with purple lights, and filled with loud music playing—a little reminiscent of a nightclub. The male guests […]
Willfully blind
A closer look at the Margaret Wente plagiarism scandal and what it says about The Globe and Mail's institutional arrogance.
By Brittany Devenyi, Gianluca Inglesi, and Rhiannon Russell The morning of Monday, September 17, 2012, reader Carol Wainio sent a 2,135-word email to Globe and Mail editor-in-chief John Stackhouse. It detailed multiple instances in a 2009 column by Margaret Wente, “Enviro-romanticism Is Hurting Africa,” of what Wainio called “very significant overlap” with stories from sources as disparate as Food Chemical News and The […]
When readers attack

Why are online comments so extremely loud and incredibly verbose, and what can be done about it?
By Davida Ander “What’s your problem?” “Isn’t it obvious? He’s an unemployed welfare bum.” “Grow up.” “Once you are done you may fornicate yourself.” “You just antagonize people to get people to react, dude. It’s what you do! You have serious issues!” “I win every time due to your lack of brains, slightly amusing on […]

Our reporter's 53-day notebook of how journalists covered the biggest transnational Aboriginal movement this country has ever seen.
By Rhiannon Russell Waubgeshig Rice pulls his van over and darts onto the street, video camera hoisted on his shoulder. Dressed in a CBC/Radio-Canada coat and heavy-duty boots, he’s covering the second national day of action for Idle No More, an indigenous rights movement. It’s a miserable day for a protest: below zero, snow swirling in […]