April 21, 2016
Carine Abouseif
canada , immigrant , personal essay

Reflections on being a journalist who didn’t grow up Canadian.
April 20, 2016
Laura Hensley
fashion , personal essay

Reflections on the power of personal style.
April 19, 2016
Eternity Martis
black , capital , personal essay

Reflections on the politics of capitalization.
April 18, 2016
Blair Mlotek
personal essay , teacher

Reflections on being a teacher-turned journalist.
November 10, 2015
Blair Mlotek
buzzfeed , First-person journalism , Laura Bennett , personal essay , personal journalism , Slate , The Huffington Post , Vice

First-person journalism can bring out the critics, but that hasn’t stopped online publications from using it as a powerful tool to connect with readers
Leigh Stein’s boyfriend Jason threw her against the refrigerator and didn’t believe she was hurt until she showed him the bruises. They had moved to New Mexico together so she could write her book while he worked—it was the most romantic plan she had ever heard. She recounted her relationship in a BuzzFeed story about […]