A look back at the news coverage of the Ottawa shooting

How live multimedia journalism successfully reported, recorded and retold the events of the day
On October 22, 2014, news of the Ottawa shooting began with a misspelled tweet and a cellphone video by Globe and Mail reporter Josh Wingrove. At the same time, veteran CBC cameraman Jean Brousseau quietly rolled his camera and collected raw footage that would later tell a full insider story while Bruce Arthur, sports columnist for the Toronto […]
Behind the Scenes at Global News’ #elxn42party

Social media has been a driving force during the election, but to what extent?
On the ground floor of 121 Bloor Street East, Dawna Friesen and Tom Clark are hosting a live panel: big screens with “Decision Canada” and “Global News” behind them, three cameras in front of them. Down the hall in a back room, 20 or so analysts are calmly watching over computers as polling data and […]
Talk is Cheap

Supporters say streeters show us what the public thinks. Critics call them lazy journalism. What are they really worth?
Supporters say streeters show us what the public thinks. Critics call them lazy journalism. What are they really worth?
Journalists Within Borders

By using social media to report on #ISIS from home, journalists risk reporting lies, spreading propaganda and missing the story
By using social media to report on #ISIS from home, journalists risk reporting lies, spreading propaganda and missing the story
Social media and television news: never the twain shall meet

After seven months on air, CTV's Kevin Newman Live gave up trying to bridge the gap between online interaction and traditional broadcast journalism
By: Erica Lenti It started with a shaky, selfie-angled smartphone shot. Kevin Newman, then 54, held his device up for the opening monologue of his new TV show the same way a teenager would at the club—arm raised, head slightly tilted. He then began the broadcast straight from his smartphone. The night’s top story, Newman […]
Live-tweeting an attack could endanger journalists and citizens

When a gunman attacked Parliament Hill on October 22, Canada was left with many questions and eager journalists determined to find the answers first. As the shooting shook Ottawa, many journalists were quick to jump onto social media to give breaking news updates depicting what was occurring on site. But what some reporters didn’t do […]

Childish sniping, iffy ethics and the sheer lunacy of public feuds expose the human side of journalists. Is that wrong?
Jonathan Goldsbie is a Toronto civic geek. He bikes everywhere, drinks ethically sourced coffee and likes talking about local indie music in Kensington Market. And, of course, he tweets. Constantly. Over his two-and-a-half years on Twitter, he’s averaged about 35 tweets per day. But somehow, this seemingly harmless dude landed himself in one of the […]
Second Life

Traditional media are scrambling to create online communities. A report on who’s doing it right—and who’s doing it wrong
Hi Gloggers. I’m your scarey moderator Bil asking what frightens you.” It’s a November evening in the newsroom as Global News writer and producer Bill Marshall’s index fingers stammer out his greeting. He knows he’s a crappy typist and freely admits it’s been his biggest challenge since he started moderating the live-blog that runs alongside […]