The New News Race

How Bob Cox and The Winnipeg Free Press caught up with the pack in building an on-line presence—and why the finish line is still far from sight
Bob Cox likes to run long distances. The last time he ran a marathon, the 2006 Manitoba Marathon, he came in 52nd out of 731, eighth highest in his age division (he was 45 at the time). Lately he’s running just for the exercise, but also to let his mind wander. He tries to leave […]
Mr. Sports

When Milt Dunnell died this month, Canadians lost a great sports columnist, one who told stories with the class befitting a man known as the sports editor of Canada
It was the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty eight, and never a more decisive victory had taken place in the ring of battle since Napoleon wiped out the Third Coalition at Austerlitz. In the first round, Mike Tyson walloped Michael Spinks, felling him in a flash, or 91 seconds if you want […]